Lincoln Imps Trampoline Club
Lincoln Imps Trampoline Club
Beginner to Competitor
Trampoline Coach Assistant
Who is this Aimed at:
People who are engaged with gymnastics and wish to develop their knowledge further and get involved in coaching.
Pre Requisites:
Learners must be at least 16 years old on the first day of the course.
What To Expect:
An informative course that develops all aspects of coaching, including ‘how to coach’ as well as discipline specific practical experience and knowledge.
Delivery Method:
Practical tutor led days, online activities and mentored hours:
Day 1 – Practical
Day 2 – Practical
Day 3 – Assessment
Do I Need To Bring Participants:
Days 1 and 2 - Minimum of one required
Day 3 Assessment - Minimum of three required
Do I Need To Find A Mentor:
Your mentor will be someone to help you throughout the course and to support your development of gymnastics knowledge and the delivery methods such as the ‘How to Coach’ skills.
Before you enrol onto the course you will need to find a mentor. Your mentor is required to hold a minimum of a level 2 coaching qualification, or equivalent, within the same discipline.
What Resources Are Included:
1st4Sport logbook, discipline specific resource pack, and online resources.
£319 for British Gymnastics members who hold a minimum of Silver membership at the time of enrolment onto the course (£419 for all other candidates).
Course costs include the delivery and initial assessment; any further assessments will incur additional charges.
By the end of this course you will:
Begin to apply the 'How to Coach' skills
Understand how to use and build up progressions for discipline specific skills
Know your ethical coaching responsibilities
Know your safety responsibilities
Know how to move and set up equipment safely for your session
Recognise muscles and how they work
Describe the principles of group organisation and communication
Appreciate the principles of safe support
Know the structure and purpose of preparation for activity
Understand basic biomechanical principles
Appreciate the need for different learning styles
If you wish to enrol on this course
Please speak to Rose, Liam or Chloe. You will need to pay the club the course fee in full (£65) and the club will enrol you.
Dates as follows
Day 1 Sun 8th November
Closing Date 4th October
Level 1
Level 1
If you wish to enrol on this course
Please speak to Rose, Liam or Chloe. You will need to pay the club the course fee in full (£319) and the club will enrol you. On completion of the course the club will refund £100 provided you are a club member and coach for the club
Dates as follows
Will let you know when any new courses are arranged
Who is this Aimed at:
Interested parents, teachers, nursery nurses, volunteers and older participants (14 years old at the start of the course).
Pre Requisites:
Learners must be at least 14 years old on the first day of the course.
What To Expect:
An informative course based on a structured approach to skill and physical development.
Delivery Method:
Six hours- classroom and practical based.
Do I Need To Bring Participants:
No participants are required.
Do I Need To Find A Mentor:
No mentor is required.
What Resources Are Included:
Course specific resource pack.
£65 for British Gymnastics members and £100 for non BG members.
By the end of the course the learner will be able to:
Assist with the teaching of skills and activities within the proficiency scheme
Tailor the material to be suitable for the age group, provide stimulating sessions and essentially, make sessions FUN.